The Glenlivet 18 yo

The Glenlivet 18 yo

所需品味券  3

攤位編號  A037-A040   地圖指南

酒品類別  Whisky 威士忌

產地  Scotland 蘇格蘭

零售價  HK$ 1100 / 700ml

Malted Barley 大麥麥芽

TGL 18 is matured in a combination of cask types, including both first and second-fill American oak (for tropical fruitiness) and ex-sherry oak (for spicy complexity). The result of this deft navigation of the distilling arts is a gorgeous single malt that is complex, yet elegant and balanced.

Sann Fransico World spirits competition - Gold



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The Glenlivet 23 year old (Single Cask)
The Glenlivet 23 year old (Single Cask)
Scotland 蘇格蘭
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The Glenlivet 20 year old  (Single Cask)
The Glenlivet 20 year old (Single Cask)
Scotland 蘇格蘭
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The Glenlivet 16 year old  (Single Cask)
The Glenlivet 16 year old (Single Cask)
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The Glenlivet Excellence 12 yo
The Glenlivet Excellence 12 yo
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